Yet another vegan blog. Obsessed with cookies. Addicted to peanut butter. Fighting for the vegan revolution!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Cookies for Your Pleasure...

Warning: These cookies are awesome. Awesome was an actual adjective used to describe them. Awesome was used with feeling. There may even have been a fist pump to go with that awesome. One man who works in my building came downstairs twice to tell me how good they were. I cannot say for myself how awesome they were, because I never actually got to try one. I'll just trust the judgement of those who did eat one. Now that you have been sufficiently prepared:

Look a little closer now...

I got the recipe from here, though it was originally the recent winner of the Pillsbury Bake-Off. I made these as the adapted recipe stated, only instead of honey, I used agave nectar. Because, you know, honey isn't vegan. Duh. Anyways. When asked what I made them with, I said, "magic." Right on.

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