Yet another vegan blog. Obsessed with cookies. Addicted to peanut butter. Fighting for the vegan revolution!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Lower-Fat Banana Bread

Today's V-con project: Lower-Fat Banana Bread. Very spicy and very moist. I took liberties with it, of course. I used part demerrara sugar and half spelt flour, and I also added walnuts (that defeats the purpose of low fat bread, I know) and currants. I also sprinkled demerrara and granola on top, just to be pretty. The end result looks something like this:

And a top shot because I love how bread cracks on top:

And another just because:

Lastly, I have read and re-read my Veganomicon, every time finding something else that I am dying to make. This is my habit with every cookbook I buy now:

Look real close. See all the little pink pieces of paper at the top? I don't have the heart to defile a cookbook buy folding the corners down, so I stick post-it's on the pages with recipes I want to make.

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