Yet another vegan blog. Obsessed with cookies. Addicted to peanut butter. Fighting for the vegan revolution!

Sunday, November 4, 2007


Brownies. Unassuming, no frills. The perfect balance between fudge and chocolate cake. It is hard to find a good non-cakey vegan brownie. You know, the brownie that dreams are made of. I have been on a brownie kick lately, and have been dying to try to perfect the vegan brownie. I think I may have came close. In my mind, I hit the nail on the head, but I will have to wait for all the opinions to come in. While still warm, they were chocolatey, and slightly cake-like. After they have completely cooled, they are a hunk of fudgey heaven.

There they are in the pan, after the initial massacre straight out of the oven. It was beautiful.

Here they are close-up, in all their fudgey glory. The recipe was based on the sour cream cookies I made a couple of months ago. I used an Endangered Species chocolate bar and threw in some walnuts, and of course used Tofutti Better than Sour Cream. They're dreamy.

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